
Our philosophy is inspired by a vision of human kind and the rest of creation and its destiny drawn from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ “The Perfect Man” in whom” all human values find fulfillment and unity” (c.s.35). Here in lies the specifically Catholic character of our school. “The fact that, in their […]
The library is open to all the members of the school on every working day. Pupils should visit the library frequently and do intelligent reading and reference work without neglecting general good reading. “I have somewhere seen it observed that we should make use of a book as a bee does of a flower. She […]
Intellectual formation of each student includes all aspects of mental development keeping in mind her/his capacities, talents, home situation and opportunities for studies. Besides the classroom work, the pupils are encouraged to do library research. The curriculum consist of Education to faith/Value Education, English, Malayalam/Hindi, Mathematics, Computer Science, General Science, Social Studies, General Knowledge, Physical […]